Pepper's Plotters - Julie and Padma

Post by Damayanti Padmanabhan on Aug 5, 2014 22:47:54 GMT

WOO, sounds good!
And yeah Merls is cool with it. The more the merrier indeed.
So yeah I'll start a thread for Julie's unrelenting harassment of Hector and you can start the awkward breakfast club thread? Sound good?

If Tian and Caster are out doing stuff we can have Team Padma/Nakula bump into em' and get to talking.

Post by Damayanti Padmanabhan on Aug 5, 2014 23:40:05 GMT


Oh sure - to be honest I'm open for any day.
Padma's pretty unbooked at the moment. She just messes around.
Whichever works for you, dude. Earlier, later, in an alternate dimension - it's all perf.

Oh, but if you get her at night, she'll be in demon mode. Doesn't really matter apart from looking a little freaky.

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Post by Siegfried on Aug 15, 2014 7:53:52 GMT

Nothing too thought out already. I was thinking maybe somewhere in the middle of my short lived time in this war. Somewhere around Day 2 or 3, but if you would like to go somewhere sooner that would be fine. I was also thinking if we did it a bit later that the fight with her would reveal what Servant he was. With someone who would put on a show like Julie, I don't think anyone wouldn't know who he was if it came out.
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