Post by Athanasios Zacharias on Jul 31, 2014 2:45:00 GMT

[attr="class","charname"]Athanasios Sisyphus Zacharias
Born into the Zacharias family, Athanasios was bred to be the family heir from a young age, with the family passing along it's secrets of mind magic to him. He played along, not passing up a chance to gain such power, though he never put much stock into their talk of a magical community they helped run, believing that their power was outdated...inefficient when compared to the modern world. So, once he underwent the unique ritual of mind sharing that the Zacharias family uses instead of the standard Magical Crest, he left the home. Despite the fact that she would have known of his plans during the meld, his mother, Adelphe Hippolyta Zacharias, the leader of the family, allowed him to go with the transference intact. Whether from respect or a plan of her own, he could never tell.

With his newfound magical power and the skills of communication to support it he had learned over the course of the years, he soon became a name within the Greek government, a rising star. His powers proved invaluable as he made his connections, ingratiating himself with people who would help him rise still further. He had dinner in their houses, played golf and tennis with them when their schedules met, and made sure that he was being a perfect guest. But the little spark, his secret, unfailing luck as he continued to rise, was the psionic magic he inherited, that made them just ever so inclined to trust and befriend him. Since they were regular humans and not magi, they were never aware of the pressure he put on their mind, and simply assumed he was merely an unusually charismatic individual.

However, as he was working his way up the political ladder and preparing to run in the next election for a position in Parliament, he received a call. It was none other than his mother...someone he had not intended to hear from again. Freezing up, Athanasios tried to hang up the phone and make a quick getaway, but she spoke quickly, informing him of the Grail War's existence, and the power and prestige to be won in it. She was too old, she said, and she wanted the Zacharias family to have a representative with Yggdmillennia.

The chance offered, to rejoin magical society with a leg up on the competition, was hard to ignore. Even if he didn't win, simply surviving would allow him to make new contacts. Resolving to go to China, and join in this new conflict, he changed his political plans slightly, taking over the position as the main Greek ambassador to China, gaining a host of political advantages he could exploit in the foreign country. He also set to work people to find him a suitable catalyst. If he was to make an impressive showing, he'd need an impressive hero to lead with. Anything else just wouldn't do. 
Athanasios keeps up the veneer of a respectable diplomat, impecabbly polite and always generous with others, but inside, he derives little satisfaction from such activities. He is power hungry by nature, but he doesn't make that fact known, and he even keeps up the facade of gentleness with his closest friends and family. He is the type to connive, cheat, and stab you in the back, all without losing that gleaming smile on his face.

As far as other magi are concerned, he views them as tools, to be used and discarded. Those who could help him, either in combat, advancement within the clock tower society, or education, he rewards with favors, money, diplomatic services, the like. But when that person's value is at an end, he usually abandons them as quickly as possible, quite often with some crime they had no knowledge of attached to their name.

He treats civilians with a greater degree of leniency, as too much action upon people not attached to magic would bring attention on him, and attention is not a good thing to a man with things to hide. He generally takes care to end arrangements with them on more amiable terms, with the intent of spreading his "good name" around. To those in direct power above him, he's something of a boot licker, though he's constantly waiting for the chance to rise to their level and bring the fools to heel, whether through magical or nonmagical means.
  • Mental Interference Magecraft Athanasios fights by manipulating the minds of his opponents, creating illusions that they perceive as perfectly true, and controlling the thoughts and minds of the people he wishes to.
  • MindwalkingThe coveted skill of the Zacharias family, and the one that makes their magi so frightening to be around. Just by standing near people, Athanasios has the ability to mentally enter the minds of other people, and experience their thoughts as his own. Mindwalking comes in two flavors, passive mindwalking requires no real expenditure of effort from Athanasios, and is almost completely undetectable by even the most accomplished of magi. It is, however, limited to only the surface thoughts and emotions that the target is experiencing. Active mindwalking is easily detectable by even the most basic magi, and even some more observant humans, and with it he can probe into the deeper recesses of a person's mind, ferreting out secrets that could otherwise never be known.
  • Trace While most Mental Interference magecraft can be defeated simply by cycling the corrupted prana out of one's body, the Zacharias family has developed a trick to help them deal with other Magi in ways beyond sheer brute force. When prana is cycled, instead of it being jettisoned into the mana of the air, a fraction lingers, reinfecting the newly cycled prana, though with a lessened effect.
  • Ouroboros A wickedly curved dagger, passed down the Zacharias family as an heirloom. While ill-suited to use in combat, it has a potent effect when an opponent is pierced by it, a curse that acts like poison. Once pierced, the opponent finds the messages his mind sends throughout the nervous system slowed, making them feel slow and sluggish when moving as well as reducing pain. In addition, the curse hampers the flow of magical energy in and out of the body, while affected, the recipient is unable to draw mana from outside and cycle prana within the body, forcing them both to reply on od and be unable to resist mental interference. The effects last about one half-hour after the strike, though the effect can be reapplied to extend the duration.
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Post by Tanz on Jul 31, 2014 3:27:42 GMT

Thanks for applying to Catharsis! We think your character's great for the site, but there's a few things we'd like to see:

1. How can active mind-walking be prevented or fought? It's detectable, but what does it take to resist it?

2. How much prana is passive and active mind-walking going to cost?

3. Besides just standing beside the person, does Anthansios have to focus to use mind-walking? Or it is sort of like a high empathy, such as in the case of passive mind-walking?

4. Can he fight and use mind-walking at the same time?

All in all, mind-reading is a-ok. Just need to elaborate how it works particularly how people can resist it. If you can give concrete examples (like, does it even work against Servants too? Finding out a Servant's identity is a pretty big thing too. Finding it out through the Master is just as bad), even better.

Tanz Avatar

I play Ying Zhemg, Li Xin, Wang Ben, Marcos Amuro, Luca Barany, Kiritsugu Emiya-Yggdm., and Jin.
Posts: 161

Post by Athanasios Zacharias on Jul 31, 2014 5:15:54 GMT

1. Active mind walking can be beaten by cycling prana, as can any other mental interference magecraft. Mindwalking is unaffected by Trace, but Ouroboros does work with it.

2. Passive is essentially free, he kind of just senses thoughts around him. Active takes both mental strain and a good deal of mana.

3. Active takes a great deal of thought and focus, and he makes it very obvious. Passive takes almost no focus, and can be done undetectably.

4. Passive yes. His fighting style is basically to use passive mindwalking to try and outmaneuver people as they're attacking, limited by the fact that he really doesn't know how to fight.

5. Magic Resistance at all beats both Passive and Active mindwalking, so Servant are out. Him finding out Servant identities through passive mindwalking is a possibility, but it really depends on how threads go and I can easily see how that's a problem and make it so that doesn't happen. I don't want to stifle roleplay through the powers, I want to make it more fun.
Tanz Avatar

I play Ying Zhemg, Li Xin, Wang Ben, Marcos Amuro, Luca Barany, Kiritsugu Emiya-Yggdm., and Jin.
Posts: 161
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