Post by Hawwah on Aug 16, 2014 2:36:13 GMT


Hawwah was created in Paradise. Not an simple place of mundane pleasures, but a true heavenly Paradise in the earthly realm. She was the First Woman, created from the rib of the Man to be his companion. For countless years, so many that even she doesn't quite know how long, the two of them were happy, naked and not ashamed.

This was not to last. In Paradise she knew only one law: that she and the Man should not eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Tov-Wa Ra. She was content with this, after all there were still countless fruits she had yet to sample in the Garden. However, she had not expected the machinations of the serpent. Tempted by its honeyed words that she would be like unto her creator Himself, she found she could not resist taking the fruit and eating.

The effect was immediate. How could she not notice, she who had never been affected by the onward march of time? She could feel her body begin to rot around her, the hand of death creeping ever closer, and she feared it. It would take years, decades, perhaps even centuries, but her demise was now as inevitable as the setting of the sun. And she was afraid. Afraid of the unknown, and afraid of going into it alone. And it was this fear that resulted in the greatest mistake of her life: with full knowledge of what it would mean, she took from the tree a second fruit and then found the Man, her husband, and gave it to him to eat. For the sake of not being left alone to the clutches of death, she ensured the death of the one she loved.

Of course he was as aware of his folly as she was once the deed was done. The two tried to hide themselves from the creator, with little success. The serpent was punished for its part, but so were they. The two of them were cast out from Paradise, the only home they had ever known, never to return. The world they were cast out into was strange and frightening: filled with savage beasts and reluctant to provide any sustenance for them. Used to the simple and easy pleasures of the Garden, the two had to adapt to survive.

And survive they did, but with every passing day things became worse between the two who had literally been created for each other. She had heard the accusation and hurt in his voice when he had attempted to deflect the blame of his actions onto her, and she could not blame him. Even though he still claimed that he loved her, she did not believe it; there was a rift between them now, and even when they lay together it felt as though it was a chore for him, never again the beautiful and full experience it had been in the Garden.

Eventually Hawwah, as the man had Named her, bore a son. The experience was the definition of agony, and she thought that perhaps she might die then and there, but when she held the little mewling Qayin in her arms she knew it was worth it. In this little one she found love which she had not felt in years. The boy grew and followed in his father's footsteps, going out into the field to bring their food from the ground. When she bore a second son, Hevel, he would follow a different, new path, keeping and protecting animals to provide for them. Hawwah was equally proud of both her sons, and for the first time since her exile praised God, teaching them to do the same. She felt that, while she may never be forgiven, He might have at least provided some solace to her in these two.

And then Qayin killed Hevel. It came so suddenly that at first she did not understand what had happened. Only the day before the young men had both been alive and well, making sacrifices to the God they had been taught of. But in one day Hevel was dead, broken and bloody in the field where his brother and father worked, and Qayin was gone, never to be seen again.

Hawwah was inconsolable. She retreated to the tent, and no kind word from the Man could convince her to leave. When she finally did leave of her own accord, she was different. When the sun fell on her face again, it fell on something as hard as stone. She had learned her lesson: when she allowed herself to open her heart, it would be wounded. And so she had closed it, locked it away where no one would ever find it.

She would go on to bear more children, but she would never think of them as hers. She would care for them, but not love them so that she would never be wounded when they left. And leave they all did eventually, some taken by hunger, or disease, or violence, or simply the desire to be away from her.

Some sources indicate that the Woman would outlive the Man, and if this was the case then she must have grown strong indeed to survive in a world savage and cruel enough that the creator would soon send a flood to purge it of its wickedness. It is this strength that she will draw on now, as the Assassin of Red in this Great Holy Grail War.
Guilty The biggest driving force of Hawwah's character is her shame and guilt over her actions. The loss of her home, her husband, her children, she considers all of them directly her fault. This carries over into the present, and in general she will find a way to blame herself for anything that goes wrong. She hide her identity moreso out of this guilt than the needs of the Holy Grail War, and will attempt to even keep it from her Master if at all possible.

Withdrawn Hawwah knows the pain of letting others into her heart only to have them torn away. As she considers this an inevitability, she instead maintains a harsh and cold outward appearance, even becoming aggressive towards those who would attempt to become closer to her. She would prefer to work completely alone, and only tolerates a Master due to it being a requirement of the Holy Grail War.

Caring Her stoic demeanor is not something that came naturally to her, but something that formed over time. Underneath it there still lies her original nature, that of a caring and loving person as befits the title of Mother of All Who Live (in fact, her original alignment would have been Neutral Good). This is buried so deep, and protected so well by centuries of built up walls and venom, that it will prove difficult for anyone to realize that it is even actually there, let alone be able to reach it.

Driven Hawwah is intent on not repeating the mistakes of her past. Though she does not wish to form any sort of friendship with her Master, she will serve them dutifully so as not to repeat the betrayal for which she is best known. She will take nearly any course of action needed to achieve the goal of obtaining the Grail, even those which she does not care for or knows are wrong. She hates herself for this, but already considers that she has fallen as low as she can and thus does not allow this to stop her.

Primitive Moreso than most Heroic Spirits Hawwah is unused to the modern world, as while others usually have some aspect of their lives they can compare to it she comes from a time where the wheel and fire were the most advanced technology. While of course she has the knowledge the Grail provided her to prevent her from dying of culture shock, but this is like drawing pictures of the outside world to someone who has only ever lived in a cave. She will find most aspects of the modern world strange and (though she will never admit it) fascinating, though she does legitimately believe that dependence on modern conveniences has weakened humanity overall. Of particular interesting note is the fact that the Grail did not see it necessary to provide her knowledge of written word, much the same as it would not provide a simple french peasant girl the knowledge of math. Hence, while she possesses the ability to learn (perhaps even quickly), she is by default completely illiterate.

Soft Spot Hawwah has a natural fondness for children, and finds the idea of them being harmed or put in danger distasteful. Of course, as part of her overall nature this usually means that she is the most dismissive and mean-spirited towards children, but of all her original nature this is the one that will occasionally shine through in them most unexpected of places and ways. She would also have a thing for sappy and sad romantic stories if she were ever made aware of them. Anyone who would learn of this would be kept silent, one way or another.

Prudish Hawwah is exceptionally uncomfortable with bare skin. The only reason she permits her arms and legs to be seen at all is that the clothing she could make in her day would constrict them and limit her movement if they were covered. If given her choice of modern clothing, she would choose something that covers as much as possible. Any more revealing clothing on others will produce severe discomfort from her, and this is probably the only surefire way to get an emotional reaction without tearing down the walls around her heart. And the less said of her opinion of actual sexuality the better...

Wish Ultimately Hawwah believes that there can be no forgiveness for her crimes; after all, it wouldn't be a stretch (in her own mind, at least) to say that all of human suffering can find its source in her. She thinks that attempting to undo her mistakes is doomed to failure, as she is likely just to make the same or similar mistakes later. Rather, she seeks to use the Grail to remove herself entirely from the course of human history. While she will play it off as something for the betterment of man, which it is indeed in her mind, in reality it is mostly just an elaborate cosmic suicide attempt, something she is hard pressed to admit even to herself. Also, being the known jerk that it is, it is doubtful that introducing the Holy Grail's influence to the dawn of humanity is a very good idea.
    [attr="class","redheading"]SKILLS AND PARAMETERS
    • [attr="class","stat"]STRENGTH
      ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ B
    • [attr="class","stat"]ENDURANCE
      ▬ ▬ ▬ C
    • [attr="class","stat"]AGILITY
      ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ B
    • [attr="class","stat"]MANA
      ▬ ▬ ▬ C
    • [attr="class","stat"]LUCK
      ▬ ▬ ▬ C
    • [attr="class","stat"]NOBLE PHANTASM
      ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ A-EX
      Original Sin - Tree of Knowledge of Tov Wa Ra. The tree by which death was brought to the deathless, and man's doom was sealed. Hawwah is capable of manifesting the tree, a specimen of undetermined species that stands about ten feet tall and has fig-like fruits. The tree itself carries two major magical effects that are active within about a ten meter diameter. Firstly a suggestion effect which makes any one target Hawwah chooses inclined to follow her directions (which is can be resisted or outright negated by skills like Magic Resistance or ones that offer resistance to mental effects). Secondly, the tree carries with it the blessing of Eden, the Paradise where pain and death were not known. Attacks are rendered ineffective, not because of any special defensive value but because the very concepts of violence and pain hold no power near the tree. Because of this, Hawwah cannot use the suggestion effect to cause a target to harm themselves or others, save in one way. If the fruit of the tree is eaten, Paradise is broken and both effects of the tree cease as it withers away. However, the fruits effects now take hold. The fruit is a poison that imposes the concept of Death upon the one who eats it, and any human or Servant who does so will die within short moments of consumption (ranks in Divinity will delay this but be unable to outright negate it as long as some element of humanity is present in the target).

      There is a second way that Hawwah can make use of this Noble Phantasm. Tov-Wa Ra is a phrase that literally means "good and evil", but can be considered instead to mean "everything". If Hawwah herself consumes the fruit it instead functions as an EX rank Noble Phantasm, allowing her to know literally anything she wants. However, the eating of the fruit deactivates her Natural Body skill and the poison still takes effect. Due to her slight Divinity she will survive only a few minutes after eating, making it an absolute last ditch move. In either case, the bad memories associated with this particular Noble Phantasm make it so that she is not inclined to use either of its effects at all if possible.
    • [attr="class","stat"]PRESENCE CONCEALMENT
      ▬ ▬ ▬ C+++
      Suitable for spying, though effectiveness is greatly decreased once preparations to attack are begun, though the laying of simple hunting traps does not constitute preparations for attack. However, when surrounded by foliage and plant life her ranking in the ability increases dramatically. Because honestly it took God to find her in the Garden.
    • [attr="class","stat"]ANIMAL DIALOGUE
      ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ B
      The ability to communicate with animals that possess "a language without words." At this rank moderately complex ideas can be communicated. However, the animal in question will not feel inclined to behave much differently than it would ordinarily.
    • [attr="class","stat"]INSTINCT
      ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ B
      The ability to "feel" the most favourable course of action to take during battle. While not on the level of precognition, capable of keeping oneself alive in combat with strong enemies.
    • [attr="class","stat"]NATURAL BODY
      ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ A
      The possession of a perfect body from birth, or creation as is the case with Hawwah. Formed directly from the hands of God, her body is simply the pinnacle of perfection achievable by humanity, completely immune to most negative influences such as toxins or poisons. Also results in a permanent Rank Up in Strength (natural rank is C).
    • [attr="class","stat"]DIVINITY
      ▬ E-
      As a direct creation of God filled with His breath, and as first in the lineage of the man some would call Christ, Hawwah should possess a high rank in this skill. However, the sin which cast her out of Paradise and her own poor relationship with her creator had decreased her ranking.
    • [attr="class","stat"]ARCHETYPE OF THE FEMININE

      ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ A
      As the First Woman, Hawwah is intimately tied with the concept of femininity. Regardless of what features of her are visible, anyone who perceives her will automatically be able to recognize her as a woman. She also is possesses great skill in abilities traditionally associated with women, both in antiquity and in the modern era. However, her personality is such that she is reluctant to use them.
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    I play Ying Zhemg, Li Xin, Wang Ben, Marcos Amuro, Luca Barany, Kiritsugu Emiya-Yggdm., and Jin.
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